Journal of Structural Mechanics 50 years anniversary seminar
RM50 main page

Call for papers

Conference themes

The seminar is intended for researchers developing models and computational methods and scientists and engineersfocusing on challenging applications and covers all fields of mechanics. In particular, presentations by graduate students are welcome.

The seminar is bilingual, papers and presentations in both Finnish and English languages are allowed.

Submission of contributions

Participants who would like to contribute a short paper of 2-4 pages related to the topics of the seminar not later than June 15, 2017, which will be published in the seminar proceedings which is a special issue of Rakenteiden Mekaniikka. Writing instruction see the journal web-page. The extented abstract should be sent to the organizers through the online submission system of the journal https://rakenteidenmekaniikka.journal.fi/index. Please, indicate that the submission is intented to the RM50-seminar in the letter to editor.

All papers published will be peer reviewed.

For early acceptance (May 22, 2017) the submission deadline is May 15, 2017.

Please, download flyer! Ole hyvä ja lataa esite!

8.6.2017 RK