Journal of Structural Mechanics 50 years anniversary seminar
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The seminar organizers have reserved a number of Standard Class rooms from the Original Sokos Hotel Royal Vaasa, Hovioikeudenpuistikko 18 (65100 Vaasa) with special price of 94,90 eur/day for a single room and 110,10 eur/day for a double room. The prices include the buffet breakfast and the use of Sauna department of the hotel. The reservation code is BRM50 and it is valid for bookings before August 7, 2017. The reservations can be done either via internet www.sokoshotels.fi, or by calling the number 06 212 7267 or by e-mail sales.royalvaasa@sokoshotels.fi.

Cumulus Resort Tropiclandia, Lemmenpolku 3 (65170 Vaasa) offers rooms by the following prices: 89,00 EUR/ day / single and 99,00 EUR / day / double. The prices include also buffet breakfast and the evening sauna in the hotel. Reservation via the internet www.restel.fi.

8.6.2017 RK